Friday, March 2, 2007
7:37 PM
Hey...I'm the 1st person besides the usual Wenkiong and Yueting to blog here...I just added a song to the blog to make it less dull and boring...title: Right Here Waiting... remember when Ms Seet was leaving? A group of us sang Diana Ross's If We Hold On Together and this song by Richard Marx....reminds us of the past huh? wonderful times we 4v1s had together... so enjoy the song yea? PS( Like if one month or so later you guys are sick of this song please feel free to change the song.. but please larz...make the song stay for at least a wee plus...give me some pride yea?:p...)PSS( Hope to see you 4v1s in the outing on the 11th march..:)) ~VaL~